The wheel turns

Guess what’s happened!

The Dark Gathering has become a CIC.  This is a Community Interest Company and this means we are in a much better situation to apply for funding, but more importantly, it gives the whole event longevity.  In addition to this, as its name suggests, the Dark Gathering CIC will be of economic and cultural benefit to the local community of Tintagel, plus the people of Cornwall and Celtic nations who are interested in, or have a connection to, their traditions concerning celebrations, and the revival of Cornish and Celtic music, song, dance, customs, traditions and language.

We have adjusted this year’s poster to reflect this important new information.

Also please note that our start up time has changed from 3 pm to 2 pm.  The reason is because this year is special, being our 10th Anniversary, and consequently we need more room for all our wonderful performers who have come from all over Britain and from other lands to entertain you.

I love the fact that this has happened at the Summer Solstice, a time of peak power.  A time when the wheel turns, bringing with it change and renewal.

Reminder: More tickets for sale from Noon on Wednesday 26th June. 10th Anniversary Tickets




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